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Who We Are

We live for God’s Kingdom to come on earth as it is in Heaven.

We live by God’s Word and Spirit.

We are a Christ-centered church community.

We are raising up a new generation of disciples and apostles for Christ.


We intend to be a redemptive church community to the North San Diego area.

See “Resources” page


GOD, who created the world and people, eternally exists as Father, Son (Jesus), and Spirit.

JESUS CHRIST was incarnated as a human, died for our sins, rose from death, and ascended to Heaven.

God’s HOLY SPIRIT is present among us to bless, convict of sin, give life, sanctify, and empower.

The BIBLE, sixty-six books of the Old and New Testament, is inspired by God and inerrant in its original form.

ORIGINAL SIN is the corrupt nature into which humanity is born. PERSONAL SIN is an individual’s ungodly act in thought, word, and deed.

Jesus’ death on the CROSS made full substitutionary atonement (reconcile by paying a price) for the sin of those who respond in faith.

God’s GRACE is freely given to all people, enabling them to turn to God and live a life of faith

REPENTANCE is a thorough change of heart and mind away from sin and toward God and salvation. A person can still harden their heart and turn away from God and salvation.

A true believer is fully JUSTIFIED before God, given ETERNAL LIFE, and ADOPTED as a child of God.

God intends and enables believers to be cleansed in heart ad mind and live a life of freedom in HOLINESS, free from bondage to sin.

The CHURCH is the community of God’s covenant people, through which God intends to bless the world.

BAPTISM is the sacramental ritual of entry and COMMUNION that of affirmation in the covenantal life in Christ.

God divinely HEALS both body and soul.

Jesus will COME AGAIN, and believers will be caught up to Heaven. There will be a final JUDGMENT for those who were not in covenantal relation with Christ.